Januari 2020

Let's take some photo's

Time to take some picture of our youngest girl ... <3

5 oktober

First full point for Svea's champion titel

My little girl did it... :-)  Our first time in intermediate class was a succes. It will be very boring to read again,  but she made me very proud. Svea is a pleasure to show because of her sweetness and happiness. 


judge: J.J. Dupas (Fr)

Svea 'Joy and Pride Ida' - Int. Class - 1 Excellent 

                            CAC / CACIB - BEST BITCH 


2 oktober

Time flies ... Svea 18 months...

Can’t thank you enough, dear Jeanette for our little girl. She’s a real beauty and not only on the outside. She lets everyone’s heart melt. :) She captures your soul when she looks you in the eyes. 


Count  down to Crufts ;-) 

augustus - september


11 september

Suprise !  Present for mum ...

A while ago I ordered a new Kezang ...

I was thinking of something special for my mum: to honour Rosie and a late birthday present. 

Nicola (Kezang Mumford) and her son, Luke did an amazing job and made this masterpiece ! It's based on a photo we took when Rosie was a puppy, together with our other brown girl, Youpke.

31 augustus

International  Dogshow Luxembourg

We couldn't wish for a better end of junior class. ;-) 

A day full of emotions... two years after auntie Rosie, 

Svea gained her second junior titel.


               ***  LUXEMBOURG JUNIOR CHAMPION ***


It’s not the most important ... but still can’t stop smiling .. We went to Luxembourg with only hope.. mayby, a little chance she could win. With her allure she did it, my showgirl... two years after Rosie winning in luxembourg. Maybe we will go to Crufts in honour of Rosie.. finish and live the experience she never could .. always in the ring with Rosie in our hearts ! 


judge: G. Wagner (G)

Svea 'Joy and Pride Ida' - Youth Class - 1 Excellent (out of 4)

                            BEST JUNIOR - BEST BITCH 

                        CRUFTS QUALIFICATION 2020


18 augustus

New champion @ home ...

I can't find the words to express how proud I'm of my little girl, Svea. Yesterday she took her last point to finish her junior titel. 

Every point is well deserved. Never standing alone in the ring and always finish with 'best junior in breed'. 


My first beardie girl that became Belgian Junior Champion. :-)


Svea 'Joy and Pride Ida'   



02/06 - Championnat de France

Judge: W.L.Giaco (FR)

Joy & Pride Ida 'Svea' - Youth Class -  2 Excellent   


15/08 - Jonge honden en veteranendag KVN Aalst

JudgeDelmar C. (IE)

Joy & Pride Ida 'Svea' - Youth Class -  2 Excellent  


17/08 - IDS Mechelen  -

JudgeV. Degeeter (B)

Joy & Pride Ida 'Svea' - Youth Class -  1 Excellent - BEST JUNIOR

3 juli

Beautiful  Youpke

june - july and august

enjoying summer @ home

18 juni

Beautiful Aina

16 juni

European Dog show  Austria

Back home and had some sleep after our adventure.

No placement but my girl made me very proud!

After a 10 hours drive at night and the hot weather, she showed herself like she always does... Perfect ! <3


The best of all, seeing Svea's breeder and sisters. 

Thank you Jeanette for this wonderful girl & for the most wonderful compliment: 'A perfect little girl in a perfect family'.

23 mei

Beautiful Santana

29 april

Junior and veteran day - Lovanium

Proud of my girl ! On show on a  rainy day... :-) Svea liked it very much. 


Judge: J. W. Robbins ( Au)

Joy & Pride Ida 'Svea' - Youth Class        -  1 EX. - BEST JUNIOR 

14 april

BEST IDS Antwerpen  - Brabo winner

Let's have some showtime ....

Svea got her first titel - BRABO (JUNIOR) WINNER  ! 



Joy & Pride Ida 'Svea' - Youth Class                      -  1 EX. - BEST

                                                                                      JUNIOR - BEST BITCH


2 april

Happy Birthday Svea !

Sweet little Svea becomes a big girl.

Today we celebrate her 1th birthday.

Why does time pass by so quickly ? It seems like yesterday we picked her up to bring her home with us. 


23 maart

International puppy day !

We don't have all our beardies since when they were a puppy. But some of them will always be a puppy at heart <3 


All our beardies when they were a tiny beardie 

Brahan +   'No-nonsense's Brahan' 

Youpke       'No-nonsense's Little Youp'

Santana     'Beastly's Selkrik Bannock'

Rosie +       'Beastly's A Red Red Rose'

Aina             'Alistair's Up To The Top'

Svea            'Joy and Pride Ida'

16 maart

IDS Schaal Der Kempen

Proud of my girl ! She always behaves very well in the showring and knows how to steal the hearts of all the bystanders. We've got some really nice comment of the judge. :-) 


Judge: J. Wulteputte (B)

Joy & Pride Ida 'Svea' - Youth Class                      -  2 EX.

8 maart

Crufts time ...

februari - maart - april

Enjoying the late winter and early spring air

17 februari

Championnat des 3 frontières (Lux)

Showtime for both my black girls <3


Judge: B. Petkevica 

Alistair's Up To The Top - Champion Class        -  2 Ex. 

Joy & Pride Ida 'Svea' - Youth Class                      -  4 VG. 

10 februari

Int. Dogshow Douai (FR)

First time on show in France .. :-)  and with succes  ! 


Judge: J. Wulteputte (B)

Joy & Pride Ida 'Svea' - Youth Class                      -  1 EX. and BOS !!!





27 Januari

Int. Dogshow Mouscron

3th year on a row we went to Mouscron. Again a show with succes ! Two years after Rosie went BEST OPPOSITE SEX, Aina followed in Rosie's footsteps and became not only BOS, but BEST OF BREED ! 


I'm still on cloud nine ! <3


Judge: Mr. Harsanyi P. (H)

Joy & Pride Ida 'Svea' - Youth Class                             -  3 EX.  


Alistair's Up Tho The Top 'Aina' - Champion Class   - 1 EX. / BOB


and.....  BEST IN GROUP 1 nr. 3 !!!!! 


21 januari

Let it snow **

The season's first snow finally arrived .... 

and we had some fun  :-) 


Its was Svea's first snow. She loved it ! She wants to be outside all day long. And of course happy dogs... happy owner ! 

12 januari

LKV int. Dagshow Genk

Svea 'Joy & Pride Ida' - youth class : 3VG


First time as youngster in youth class... The youngest of all with just 9 months old against bitches  of 15, 13 and 11 months old. She got lovely comment from the judge and she behaved really well ! Proud of my little girl ! <3

6 januari

Svea already 9 months old ...

Svea celebrated her 9 months on Januari the 2nd. Dad bought a new cameralens.. Time to test ! 

3 januari

Happy Birthday !

Hip hip hooray for my sweet birthday girl! 

Aina 'Alistair's Up To The Top' - 5 years old today ! 


Happy to have this crazy girl in my life ! <3

What will 2019 bring... ?